
Research seminar by Carmen San-Segundo & Francisco Javier Frutos

Our team members Carmen López San Segundo and Francisco Javier Frutos will lecture a seminar at NOVA FCT, Mapeando las colecciones de placas estándar de linterna mágica como activos del patrimonio académico europeo (UNI-MAGIC).

This seminar will be held on the 3rd of July, at 14h15, in the DCR Meeting Room (Ed. Departamental), NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT), Caparica. 

More information HERE.

Posted on 26 June 2024

PhD thesis defence by Ângela Santos 

Our team member, Ângela Santos, will defend her doctoral thesis entitled "Lanterna Magica: Technology and Preservation of Painted Glass Slides for Projection with Magic Lanterns", supervised by Márcia Vilarigues and Vanessa Otero.

It will be held on the 5th of July, at 14h, at the DCR Meeting Room (Ed. Departamental), NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT), Caparica.
More information HERE.

Posted on 24 June 2024

MAGICA at the Gordon Research Conference

Our team member, Vanessa Otero, will present the poster "Back to the Future: Revisiting the stability of madder colors by using historically accurate pigment formulations", by V. Otero, M. Vieira, A. Neves, A.J. Moro, and M.J. Melo, at the Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research - Gordon Research Conference. 

This conference will be held from 7-12 of July, at the Les Diablerets Conference Center, Switzerland.
More information HERE.

Posted on 26 June 2024

MAGICA at the NCM15 - ESG15 - SGT Conference

Our team member, Ângela Santos, will present the communication "Glass in the Spotlight: Investigating the origins of two 18th-century magic lantern slide sets in Portugal", by Â. Santos, A. Rodrigues, C. Machado, G. Pereira, V. Otero and M. Vilarigues, at the NCM15 - ESG15 - SGT Conference as part of the History & Heritage Workshop.

This is a joint Conference that includes the 15th European Society of Glass Conference, the 15th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, and the  Annual Conference of the Society of Glass Technology. It will be held on 15-19 July 2024 at the Churchill College, Cambridge. Programme and Registration HERE

Posted on 25 June 2024

MAGICA counts with the support of Mixbox

MAGICA project is now counting on the support of Mixbox - Natural Colour Mixing Based on Real Pigments, a practical library, which is being incorporated into an interactive tool to recreate the action of painting on glass for magic lantern slides.

This tool is being developed by our project members of computer science and will be available for free in our public exhibitions at the National Museum of Natural History and Science (Lisbon), the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra (Coimbra) and online.
Mixbox Website & Library  (Now added to our Resources page)

Posted on 24 June 2024

The Magic Lantern was the first optical instrument for the projection of moving images allied with sounds and music, used worldwide.
MAGICA is the first systematic and comprehensive study on the relation between the tangible and intangible facets of the art of painting magic lantern glass slides and its use at science academies and entertainment places in Portugal.

This project emerged from a set of repositories of magic lanterns' images, preserved in several Portuguese collections, and aims to develop preservation methods for those images and try to understand how they relate to academic and cultural life (with a special focus on performing arts) of the country during the 19th century.

With an interdisciplinary team of conservation scientists, musicologists, conservators, curators, media archaeologists, theatrologists and artists, the MAGICA project will impact on the preservation, interpretation, rehabilitation and valorisation of this precious heritage as well as other associated documents such as theatrical texts, scores and iconographic records.